SCRIPTA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kontekstual
<p><strong>FOKUS PENELITIAN : </strong>Teologi Perjanjian Baru, Teologia Perjanjian Lama, Teologi Sistematika, Pastoral Konseling, Sejarah Gereja, Kepemimpinan Kristen, Misiologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen.</p>en-US<p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a><a href="<a%20rel="license" href="http:/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https:/" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http:/">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>."><br /><strong>SCRIPTURA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kontekstual</strong> is licensed under a </a><a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a><a href="<a%20rel="license" href="http:/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https:/" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http:/">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.">.</a></p> (Febriaman Lalaziduhu Harefa) (Ferdinan Pasaribu)Tue, 03 Dec 2024 10:52:37 +0800OJS Dalam Kepemimpinan Pastoral Berdasarkan Pengajaran Kitab Amsal Tentang Perkataan Dan Sikap Pemimpin
<p><em>This study aims to describe the characteristics of the pastoral leadership, based on the characteristics of the wise leadership, found in the book of Proverbs. With a qualitative-comparative approach, the authors analyze and describes the various characteristics of wise leader in the book of Proverbs. The characteristics of wise leadership (in the context of public leadership) are used as a conceptual framework to analyze and explain the concept of pastoral leadership, which will be applied in ecclesiastical life. Through this method, the authors show that the teaching of the book of Proverbs about public leadership is very useful for gaining an understanding of the integrity of pastoral leadership, especially in the aspect of the words and attitudes of God's servants. The results of the study show that the teaching of the book of Proverbs about wise words and the attitude of God's servants is very related to his integrity, in carrying out his pastoral leadership. This makes pastoral leadership produce leaders who serve the congregation.</em></p>Johanis Kamuri, Novan
Copyright (c) 2024 03 Desember 2024, 03 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Kesembuhan Study Komparatif Kesembuhan Masa Kini Dan Kesembuhan Masa Intertestamental: Implikasi Bagi Orang Percaya Masa Kini
<p>Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis konsep keajaiban penyembuhan selama masa intertestamental, dengan meneliti sumber-sumber tekstual seperti kitab-kitab apokrif, tulisan para rabi, dan catatan sejarah dari periode tersebut. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana masyarakat Yahudi memandang keajaiban penyembuhan sebagai bagian dari iman mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur dengan pendekatan historis-teologis, yang mencakup analisis teks-teks kuno, sumber-sumber sekunder, serta interpretasi teologi dan budaya yang berkembang selama masa intertestamental. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat mengungkapkan bahwa keajaiban penyembuhan selama masa intertestamental dipandang sebagai bukti kehadiran Ilahi yang memulihkan, sekaligus dipengaruhi oleh tradisi dan kepercayaan lokal, yang memperkaya pemahaman teologis pada masa itu.</p>Yohanes Telaumbanua, Dolf Tiyono, Stella Mulalinda
Copyright (c) 2024 03 Desember 2024, 03 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Pemulihan Moral dan Spiritual: Peran Pastoral dalam Mendukung Pasangan Terlibat dalam Perselingkuhan
<p>This study aims to examine the role of pastoral care in supporting couples involved in infidelity to <br />achieve moral and spiritual recovery. Through a qualitative approach, the research explores various <br />strategies and approaches that can be employed by pastors and church ministers to help couples navigate <br />the crisis in their relationship caused by infidelity. The findings indicate that infidelity has a significant <br />impact on the emotional and psychological well-being of the couples, requiring sensitive and holistic <br />handling during the recovery process. The conclusion of this study emphasizes the importance of well<br />trained and empathetic pastoral care in assisting couples to restore their relationships. The study <br />recommends enhanced training for church ministers in addressing infidelity cases and the development <br />of comprehensive and sustainable recovery programs.</p>jojonikus jojonikus, Sri Wahyuni
Copyright (c) 2024 03 Desember 2024, 03 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Dilema Teologi Mengenai Tantangan Dan Penerapan Misi Di Indonesia
<p><em>Based on the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20, which commands Christians to spread the Gospel to all nations, this study explores the theological and ethical dilemmas faced by Christians in Indonesia. While the mission is a divine command, challenges arise when spreading the Good News in a pluralistic society, where religious freedom and interfaith harmony must be preserved. Through a qualitative approach involving interviews, observations, and document analysis, this paper highlights the importance of contextualizing the mission by respecting local values and upholding the principles of love and interfaith dialogue. This article also offers recommendations for the Church in Indonesia to carry out its mission wisely, with a focus on social service and promoting harmony in a pluralistic society.</em></p>Fadilla Mulya
Copyright (c) 2024 03 Desember 2024, 03 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Doktrin Tritunggal Jürgen Moltmann Sebagai Model Berpolitik Orang Kristen di Indonesia
<p><em>This paper aims to analyse the doctrine of the Trinity developed by Jürgen Moltmann, one of the theologians who presented his theory of the Trinity and then linked it to human socio-political activities. Christians in Indonesia exist in the midst of a pluralistic world. So the task of bringing God's light and love in all aspects of life, including politics, in the midst of a plural world is very important to do. The writing of this article departs from the phenomenon of apathy shown by Christians in Indonesia towards politics, so that Christians are reluctant to focus their attention on political activities in Indonesia. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach, with a literature study method, which examines and reviews the socio-political analogy of Jürgen Moltmann's Trinity doctrine as he explains in his book The Trinity and The Kingdom. The research found that the doctrine of the Trinity, which is considered difficult and complicated at the level of systematic theological discourse, has made a great contribution to the lives of believers, including politics. The doctrine of the Trinity developed by Jürgen Moltmann invites all believers to take part in an ideal socio-political life, thus producing a concrete model for the socio-political life of Christians in Indonesia.</em></p>Febri Ando Pratama Saragih, Nerti Lubis
Copyright (c) 2024 03 Desember 2024, 03 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Kemesiasan Yesus dan Kemesiasan Masa Intertestamentum: Sebuah Studi Analisis Komparatif
<p><em>This paper is designed to provide a comparative analytical study of the messiahship of Jesus and the intertestamental messiahship. The messiahship of Jesus and the intertestament messiahship have intersections of similarities and differences that cannot be avoided. The concept of messiahship originates from the Hebrew Bible which has its roots in God's covenant with David. In the intertestament period, the concept of messiahship was characterized by the expectation of a leader who would bring political liberation to the Jewish nation. The intertestament messiahship appears in various texts such as 1 Enoch and the book of Jubilees. On the one hand, Jesus' messiahship emphasizes his function as the savior of mankind. Jesus' messiahship can be traced through the four gospels, the testimonies of the disciples and Paul's theological constructs. The messiahship of Jesus and the intertestamentary messiahship have in common the aspect of hope for a deliverer. However, the obvious difference is that the intertestamental messiahship focuses on the political aspect while Jesus' messiahship focuses on the theological aspect. Through a descriptive qualitative approach, the author will comparatively analyze the messiahship of Jesus and the intertestamental messiahship. The comparative analysis brings strengthening to the Christological aspects of the contemporary church today.</em></p>Daniel Pesah Purwonugroho, Tabita Leiwakabessy
Copyright (c) 2024 03 Desember 2024, 03 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Pelayanan Pastoral di Era Modern dalam Memperkuat Spiritualitas Lansia di Panti Asuhan
<p><em>The purpose of this study is to explore and understand pastoral care can be more effective in helping the elderly in orphanages by implementing a holistic approach in accordance with the development of the times, as well as providing an understanding of how to overcome the limitations of traditional methods in pastoral care for the elderly in the modern era. The research method used is a qualitative approach, namely a literature study of e-books, journals, and books, related to the topic of discussion, and using an interview method involving the elderly, administrators, to gain deeper insight into the spiritual needs of the elderly. The results of the study indicate that pastoral care contributes positively to the spirituality of the elderly, increasing a sense of connectedness to the community and improving mental health, while the use of technology such as social media has proven effective in expanding the reach of services. The conclusion of this study is that pastoral care for the elderly in orphanages in the modern era is faced with significant challenges that require a more holistic and innovative approach. Traditional methods are considered inadequate to meet the complex emotional, social, and spiritual needs of the elderly, such as feelings of loneliness, isolation, and physical limitations. Therefore, this study emphasizes the importance of utilizing technology, such as video calls and digital platforms, to create deeper and more personal interactions. </em></p>Priskila Kowureng, Jessica Elizabeth Abraham, Natal Riang Daeli
Copyright (c) 2024 03 Desember 2024, 03 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Pelayanan Pastoral Dalam Meningkatkan Keharmonisan Keluarga Yang Mengalami Konflik
<p><em>Research Objective: This study aims to examine the crucial role of pastoral care in fostering family harmony in the face of conflict. Approach and Research Methods: This research employs literature analysis and case studies to identify the factors causing family conflicts, including poor communication, economic issues, and infidelity. Research Findings: The results of the case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of pastoral care in addressing various conflict situations, such as relationship recovery after infidelity and financial support. Conclusion: This study recommends ongoing training for pastors, collaboration with other professionals, and proactive approaches to enhance the effectiveness of pastoral care in building harmonious families.</em></p>Juliono
Copyright (c) 2024 03 Desember 2024, 03 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Analisis Teologis Relasi Logika dan Iman Kristen
<p><em>This research aims to explore the relationship between logic and Christian faith through a philosophical and theological approach. The research methods used include text and literature analysis, such as the Bible, articles and books. This research is motivated by the existence of a paradigm between logic and Christian faith which has been misunderstood so far. Starting from this problem, this research offers ideas that include an understanding of the significant relationship between logic and Christian faith. Although to certain limits there are dimensions of the divinity of the Christian faith that cannot be touched by logical thinking, such as the concept of the triune God, the end of time, and the divinity of God and His eternity. In principle, the only logic that can be compatible with the Christian faith is logic that has been born again. Therefore, it is important to recognize that the relationship between logic and Christian faith is not always contradictory, but can complement each other in strengthening human understanding of complex spiritual and intellectual principles. The relationship between logic and Christian faith is an interesting subject to study because it involves complex and profound aspects of human thought.</em></p>Sutarman Laia, Putri Sory, Mozes Lawalata
Copyright (c) 2024 03 Desember 2024, 03 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Kerendahan Hati dan Kepedulian Lingkungan: Filipi 2:3-4 Mengatasi Perilaku Membuang Sampah Sembarangan
<p><em>The purpose of this study is to identify Philippians 2:3-4 as the basis for one's understanding of the importance of caring for others with full devotion. Because the current waste problem is a problem that must be solved. However, the awareness of every policy regarding the dangers of waste is the main problem. For this reason, this article provides an effort to provide awareness about the importance of awareness and concern for this increasingly degraded environment. Philippians 2:3-4 is an example of counsel for all walks of life, where Paul is present to enlighten the Philippians about the importance of caring for others. The anthropocentric nature must be immediately eliminated in the life of mankind. In writing this article, the author uses a library study (library reaserch) by adding the results of interviews as a primary source of their responses to various problems caused by indifference to the environment. So it was found that in this waste problem, a person's selfish attitude, and indifference to the dangers that can occur if they throw garbage carelessly. An attitude of concern for others and the environment is very important to maintain a balance in life.</em></p>Andre Marpaung, Anton Arifandi, Eri
Copyright (c) 2024 03 Desember 2024, 03 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Eksistensi Allah Dalam Kisah Pembangunan Menara Babel Berdasarkan Kejadian 11:1-9
<p>Kisah pembangunan menara Babel diawali dengan bahasa dan logat yang sama. Namun, motif yang salah terhadap pembangunan itu membuat Allah harus turun, mengacaubalaukan bahasa dan menyerakkan mereka ke seluruh bumi. Akan tetapi, turunnya Allah menimbulkan pertanyaan mengenai keberadaan Allah selama proses pembangunan menara tersebut. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu keberadaan Allah pada saat pembangunan menara tersebut, dan apa tujuan Allah harus menunjukkan eksistensiNya secara langsung. Metode yang dipilih adalah melakukan kajian eksposisi terhadap Kejadian 11:1-9 melalui pendekatan analisis genre narasi. Maka ditemukan bahwa sejak awal Allah telah mengamati pekerjaan sekumpulan orang tersebut. Turunnya Allah untuk melihat pekerjaan dari kumpulan orang-orang tersebut menunjukkan dua aspek eksistensi dan keilahian Allah di tengah-tengah ciptaanNya. Pertama, Allah dengan kedaulatan-Nya menunjukkan kedudukan Allah sebagai pemegang otoritas di atas segala ciptaan-Nya di muka bumi ini yang dibuktikan dengan peran Allah dalam mengacaubalaukan segala pekerjaan pembangunan menara tersebut. Kedua, Allah dengan anugerah-Nya menunjukkan sifat Allah yang memiliki kemurahan, kasih karunia, anugerah yang selalu diberikan kepada umat ciptaanNya dengan dibuktikan melalui penyerakan orang-orang tersebut ke segala penjuru bumi tanpa memusnahkan populasi manusia seperti pada peristiwa air bah, supaya perintah Allah untuk memenuhi bumi dapat dilakukan oleh umat ciptaan-Nya.</p>Binsar Pandapotan Silalahi, Farel Yosua Sualang, Anon Dwi Saputra, Anon Dwi Saputra
Copyright (c) 2024 03 Desember 2024, 03 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800