Pemulihan Moral dan Spiritual: Peran Pastoral dalam Mendukung Pasangan Terlibat dalam Perselingkuhan
Moral recovery, , Spiritual recovery,, Affair, Pastoral care, Couple relatinshipsAbstract
This study aims to examine the role of pastoral care in supporting couples involved in infidelity to
achieve moral and spiritual recovery. Through a qualitative approach, the research explores various
strategies and approaches that can be employed by pastors and church ministers to help couples navigate
the crisis in their relationship caused by infidelity. The findings indicate that infidelity has a significant
impact on the emotional and psychological well-being of the couples, requiring sensitive and holistic
handling during the recovery process. The conclusion of this study emphasizes the importance of well
trained and empathetic pastoral care in assisting couples to restore their relationships. The study
recommends enhanced training for church ministers in addressing infidelity cases and the development
of comprehensive and sustainable recovery programs.
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